Dr. Sibyl Swift and Lance Blundell on CBD Safety

Jonathan Miller interviews CMDMd's Chief Science Officer Sibyl Swift and General Counsel Lance Blundell on the safety and future regulation of CBD.  If you have questions about the episode or ideas for Hemp related topics, email us at hemplegallyspeaking@fbtlaw.com.

Hemp Industry questions covered in the episode: 
  1. Is CBD safe?  From a legal perspective? From a scientific point of view?
  2. Why does the FDA continue to caution the public about the safety of hemp extracts like CBD?
  3. What are the steps Congress needs to take to ensure safe regulation of CBD?
  4. How should Congress approach the issue of potentially-impairing cannabinoids like delta-8 THC?
  5. What does Dr. Swift have to say about the growing #Swiftie movement?
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